Hyperextension (in English hyperextension - overdistension, overdistension) is an auxiliary exercise, which works well on…

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Leg extension - refers to isolated exercises for the development of quadriceps, but the main…

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Heavy steel on straight legs is a basic exercise in bodybuilding and fitness. Like other…


Dumbbell in the slope refers to the basic exercises in bodybuilding and fitness, as it…

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What prevents to do fitness: 5 popular excuses
Excuse number 1: I'm tired Work, family, dog, traffic jams, queues in shops and standing…


happen in one day


Dumbbell bench press is an excellent tool for deep development of the front and to a lesser extent middle deltoid heads, it increases the mass and strength of the shoulder muscles, gives the deltas a rounded convex shape.

The exercise has one undoubted advantage over the barbell bench press: the amplitude of the movement when pressing the dumbbells is much more, and therefore the muscles are worked out more fully.

Technique performing dumbbell bench press sitting Continue reading

Swimming is the perfect workout.

It does not give dangerous static loads and very carefully applies to the joints. It makes many muscles work and strengthens the cardiovascular, lymphatic and vegetative systems. Stimulates pulmonary gas exchange and boosts immunity. And also, which is very nice, replaces salon massage, especially when it comes to sea water with its high concentration of natural salts. But the most important thing is that swimming is suitable for losing weight and at the same time receiving a lot of pleasure.
Rumor has it that swimming is impossible toSwimming is the perfect workout.. Continue reading


Probably you should not be reminded of the story, which is repeated from year to year in the spring in front of the mirror, with remorse of conscience and further promises. Yes, yes, and yes again – a flat tucked belly does not tolerate half measures and excuses, does not believe false promises, and requires special attention and care. Do you want – if you please work. But then the reward is worth it – right?

I want a flat stomach! Continue reading