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Press narrow grip is considered the most effective exercise for the development of the upper part of the triceps, well increasing its volume and strength. But, despite the greatest working weights, in comparison with other exercises for the triceps, lifted in this exercise, it is not the base for pumping triceps. The reason for this is simple: along with the triceps, the top of the pectoral and anterior bundle of the deltoid muscles also work.

In the bench press with a narrow grip, there is another undoubted advantage: he is wonderfully working through the form of a tricep. When the triceps go “into denial” and you continue to do the exercise mainly with the work of the pectoral muscles and front deltas, then it is these additional repetitions that perfectly “grind” the triceps.

And, for example, in powerlifting, this exercise is actively used to increase weights in another exercise: the classic bench press.

Technique of the bench press lying narrow grip

Technique of the exercise:

1. Most often this exercise is performed on the same bench as the bench press. Therefore, the position of the body on the bench is the same: press the head, shoulders and buttocks firmly to the bench and slightly arch the lower back. Feet all foot rest against the floor. While the bar is located on the racks, make sure that the neck is right above your eyes. If everything is correct, then grasp the neck so that the distance between the palms is a little less than the width of the shoulders.

2. Squeeze the boom up. At the top of the arm should be fully extended, and the neck is located directly above the neck.

3. Now take a deep breath, hold your breath, this will help develop the maximum effort for lifting, and lower the barbell on the chest, closer to its lower part. Did the touch happen? Immediately, without a pause, otherwise the emphasis of the load will shift to the pectoral ones, press the barbell top. After passing the dead center – exhale and press the barbell up to the end.

4. Perform the intended number of repetitions.

It is important:

It is better to perform this exercise at the beginning of a tricep workout, otherwise “having killed” them with other exercises, you will do a narrow grip press at the expense of the pectoral and front deltas. The second argument for this is the possibility of working with really big weights.

Do not bend your back to overpower a lot of weight, it is better to remove a couple of pancakes from the bar, otherwise it is fraught with spinal injury.

When moving the rod elbows try to keep closer to the body. Often the cause of excessive divergence of the elbows is a narrow grip, so do not “shallow”, because apart from reducing the load on the triceps, you risk getting a hand injury.

Another important point: at the lowest point, do not push the barbell off the chest, this can lead to injury, and in any case removes part of the load from the triceps.

Working muscles when you press with a narrow grip

chest muscles
deltoid muscles
Alternative exercises