may be necessary
Probably you should not be reminded of the story, which is repeated from year to year in the spring in front of the mirror, with remorse of conscience and further promises. Yes, yes, and yes again – a flat tucked belly does not tolerate half measures and excuses, does not believe false promises, and requires special attention and care. Do you want – if you please work. But then the reward is worth it – right?
I want a flat stomach! Continue reading
If you belong to the few athletes who regularly perform this exercise in their workouts, then you may be interested in some of the rules that I learned during the years of training.
No exercises before pulling up.
Pull up at the beginning of your workout, otherwise you will encounter the already accumulated fatigue of the broadest muscles of the back, biceps and forearms. Pull-ups are quite heavy and require a lot of strength, so do them while you are still fresh. Continue reading
Rule one: you must be a model of bodybuilding devotion.
In order to squeeze the result to the maximum at the end of each cycle, you must be 200% devoted to your favorite work – bodybuilding. Any outside interests will only bother you. The most difficult thing here is to find a reasonable balance between fanaticism and the interests of loved ones. After all, training is your own business. Your hobby should not “seize the age” of your neighbors.
Rule two: you need to work out in trainings as it should. Continue reading