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Leg extension – refers to isolated exercises for the development of quadriceps, but the main burden in this exercise falls on the rectus muscle of the thigh. Therefore, performing leg extensions you, first of all, will achieve a clear drawing and separation from the adjacent muscles of the rectus hip muscle.

It is also necessary to note the fact that the development of the rectus muscle will allow you to improve the running and jumping qualities, which means that the extension of the legs is an absolutely necessary element in the training of runners, athletes, football players, basketball players and many other athletes.

Technique perform leg extensions

1. Sit in the trainer to straighten the legs, so that the legs rested on special rollers and were perpendicular to the floor. Straighten your back (and if there is a back in the simulator, then lean on it tightly) and do not bend it while doing the exercise, for this, grasp the edges of the bench or special handles. The angle at the knee joint should be at least 90 degrees. This is the starting position.

2. Inhale and, holding your breath, straighten them out completely. Hold for a split second in this position, exhale and gently lower your legs to the starting position.

3. Without pausing in the starting position, make the required number of repetitions.

It is important:

Do not move the legs deep under the bench, it overloads your knee joints, try to keep the angle of 90 degrees in the knee joint.

Do not help lift the weight with the movement of the body, all movement occurs due to the flexion / extension of the knee joint, and the back remains motionless.

For the maximum effect of the exercise, fully extend the legs at the top of the movement.

Do not rush to increase the weight in this exercise, do it very smoothly, to save the knee joints from trouble, and even better will increase the number of additional repetitions, and not the weight of the burden.

Do not allow a strong superiority of one muscle group over another: quadriceps and biceps of the hips, this is fraught with injury to the knees. Therefore, follow the uniform development of both muscle groups.

Exercise options

Extend the legs with turned toes. This option will shift the stress on the medial muscle of the quadriceps.
Extensions of the legs with turned toes inside. This option will shift the stress on the lateral muscle of the quadriceps.
Leg extension in a block simulator. This option allows you to remove part of the load from the knee joint, and therefore will be optimal for athletes with knee problems.
Working muscles in the extension of the legs