Stretching is an integral component of a person’s physical fitness. With the help of stretching…

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Squatting is one of the most important basic exercises in bodybuilding and powerlifting. Squats are…


Swimming is the perfect workout.

It does not give dangerous static loads and very carefully applies to the joints. It makes many muscles work and strengthens the cardiovascular, lymphatic and vegetative systems. Stimulates pulmonary gas exchange and boosts immunity. And also, which is very nice, replaces salon massage, especially when it comes to sea water with its high concentration of natural salts. But the most important thing is that swimming is suitable for losing weight and at the same time receiving a lot of pleasure.
Rumor has it that swimming is impossible toSwimming is the perfect workout.. And experts say that in half an hour of swimming up to 400 kilocalories are burned, and the metabolism is accelerated by half. So swimmers spend 25% more energy than runners, of course, if they are swimmers and not drifting buoys.
If you swim a little better than an ax and the task to hold out on the water for at least half an hour for you from the category of “mission impossible”, then do not lose courage! Take advantage of the circumstances and instead of letting your muscles just soak in the water, learn how to work them to the fullest.
Arm yourself with a ball, an inflatable circle or a mattress – in short, in order to allow you not to be afraid to go to the bottom regardless of how tired you are or how far you are from the coast. In the first days of training, arrange swims for at least half an hour, and gradually bring up to 45-60 minutes.
For the first 5 minutes, just move in the water to warm up, then grab your inflatable equipment and start working with your feet. The scheme is as follows: 5 minutes of movement with the feet, imitating a crawl, 2 minutes of rest, 5 minutes of imitation of the breaststroke, 2 minutes of rest. With a trolley, you will work out the quadriceps, thigh biceps, and buttocks, and the breaststroke will allow you to tone the inner and lateral surface of the legs. The latter will be especially useful if you are familiar with cellulite firsthand. Of course, “rest” does not mean that you get the right to relax and drift: just the intensity of the workout can be reduced and you can start moving at your usual swimming pace.
Plus, set a goal to learn how to swim longer than you could before training. Gradually increase the distance, moving at a low speed. Practice shows that we are capable of more than we expect from ourselves. It just never occurred to us to at least try to improve our sports performance.
Use the time at the resort, as an excellent opportunity not only to relax, but also to please yourself with a noticeably tightened figure. And before you leave, work out in the pool, prepare your body for more intense loads, especially since in the reservoir your possibilities are unlimited. Tired of swimming – gather a company and go play water polo. Or go to the chest in the water and make an attempt to run. From the classic running in the fresh air, too, should not be abandoned. 10-15 minutes of light cowards before breakfast will speed up the metabolism, so after such a charge you can indulge yourself at the table. Just remember that going with a full stomach to swim is not suitable: water puts pressure on the abdominal cavity, so between swimming and eating should take at least an hour.
If you are faced with the task of losing excess weight, then make sure that during training your pulse rate is 130-160 beats per minute. With an intensity of 60-70% of the maximum (determine this indicator by sensations), in an hour you will be able to get rid of 450-800 kilocalories. If you know how to swim a crawl, then change your swimming style every 100–200 meters, which will allow you to tone all the muscle groups of your legs, back and chest. If you feel confident in the water, then it’s time to improve your swimming abilities. Ideally, you should plan two “serious” swims per day: the first (morning) sprint, and the second (evening) – for a long distance. In the morning, after a 10-minute warm-up at an average pace, try to swim a 50-meter distance at the limit of its capabilities. Then, slowly, overcome 200 meters and repeat the 50-meter sprint. Perform such a cycle 2-4 times.
In the evening, depending on your abilities, try to overcome the distance, focusing on the indicators: 1-1.5 km at a decent pace, which will not allow you to capitulate ahead of time, but at the same time and not relax. In a temporary indicator, this will take at least 40 minutes – and you should swim at an average speed. If you are tired, pause for a minute or two, turning onto your back and breathing, and then pick up the pace again.
If the fight against cellulite is of paramount importance to you, use the opportunity and give yourself a massage with water. To do this, you will need either an inflatable inventory, or a pier or platform, holding onto which you could work intensively with your feet. Focus on breeding straightened legs to the side, but do not forget about imitation of the rabbit – after all, a portion of massage will not hurt the buttocks either.