Squatting is one of the most important basic exercises in bodybuilding and powerlifting. Squats are…

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10 nice ways to spend 500 kilocalories
Method 1: aqua aerobics (530 kcal for 1 hour with a weight of 70 kg)…

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Abdominal - work on the bugs
Being engaged in the gym, abdominal exercises are traditionally postponed “for later”. At the end…


In bodybuilding and fitness, barbell-to-chin traction is performed primarily to work on the mass and…

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T-barbell is considered one of the basic exercises in bodybuilding and fitness to develop back…


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Leg extension – refers to isolated exercises for the development of quadriceps, but the main burden in this exercise falls on the rectus muscle of the thigh. Therefore, performing leg extensions you, first of all, will achieve a clear drawing and separation from the adjacent muscles of the rectus hip muscle.

It is also necessary to note the fact that the development of the rectus muscle will allow you to improve the running and jumping qualities, which means that the extension of the legs is an absolutely necessary element in the training of runners, athletes, football players, basketball players and many other athletes. Continue reading


Performing flexion lying fully loads on all the muscles of the back of the thigh, as well as the calf. Given the isolating nature of the exercise, bending the legs would be the best choice for working on the relief and the separation of the muscles of the back of the thigh.

In addition, leg flexion is a movement characteristic of many other sports, which means that this exercise will allow you to improve your athletic achievements in such disciplines as football, basketball, running, athletics, jumping, wrestling, gymnastics, acrobatics, swimming and many others.

Technique performing bending legs Continue reading


In bodybuilding and fitness, barbell-to-chin traction is performed primarily to work on the mass and relief of the middle and upper trapezium and the middle deltoid muscle bundle, as well as to draw a clear separation between them.

This exercise will help improve athletic performance in sports such as wrestling, American football, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics and many others.

Technique of the exercise Continue reading

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