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In bodybuilding and fitness, barbell-to-chin traction is performed primarily to work on the mass and relief of the middle and upper trapezium and the middle deltoid muscle bundle, as well as to draw a clear separation between them.

This exercise will help improve athletic performance in sports such as wrestling, American football, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics and many others.

Technique of the exercise

The barbell to the chin is an exercise in which shoulder joints and hands are experiencing increased stress, so if you have any problems with these areas, then it is not recommended to perform thrust. And even if you have everything in order with your shoulders and arms, do the exercise with caution.

1. Take the bar with a grip on top, so that the distance between the palms is 7-9 cm less than the width of the shoulders. Straighten your back, bend a little in the waist, keep the chin line parallel to the floor. Hold the barbell on straightened hands, touching the neck of the hips. This is the starting position.

2. Inhale and, holding your breath, holding the neck as close as possible to the body and spreading your elbows to the sides, gently lift the barbell to the chin. At the top of the movement, the neck should practically touch the chin, and the elbows should be above the shoulders.

3. Reaching the top point, hold for a split second and, on the exhale, also gently lower the bar to its original position.

4. Perform the required number of repetitions.

It is important:

While exercising, follow the movement of the elbows: spreading your elbows, pull them vertically to the top, and as you approach the chin, pull back slightly so that the neck rises as close as possible to the chest.

Do not reduce the distance between the palms: too narrow or, on the contrary, wide will decrease the amplitude of the movement.

Do not rush to increase the weight of the burden, otherwise the useful effect of the implementation will be low, and the probability of injury will be high. Work with a weight at which you do not resort to reading even on the last repeat.

Do not swing the body back and forth, and do not relax the muscles of the lower back and abdominals while performing cravings, as this reduces the load on the target muscles and is fraught with spinal injury.

Working muscles when the bar to the chin

deltoid muscles (especially the middle bundle, to a lesser extent the anterior one)