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No one would argue with the fact that a barbell is an excellent exercise, but if for some reason it is ineffective for you or the body “asks” for changes, then it is the dumbbell bench that is what will help out in this situation.

Due to the wider range of motion, the dumbbell bench press makes it possible to use those muscle fibers that are not subject to the bench press, and as a result, the external parts of the pectoral muscles develop better. Another undoubted advantage of a dumbbell bench is considered to be greater variability in arm positioning, which allows the shoulders to feel more comfortable. And the need to maintain balance during exercise, forcing the muscles to work in a new unusual mode. Therefore, stagnation in the bench press can easily be replaced by new power records when working with dumbbells.

Technique performing dumbbell bench press

Proper exercise technique:

1. Stay on a horizontal bench. Buttocks tightly to the surface of the bench, feet put on the floor with his entire foot. Hold dumbbells in bent and lowered hands near the chest. This is the starting position.

2. While inhaling, lift the dumbbells above you with your arms extended. The palms are facing forward. At the highest point of the amplitude, exhale.

3. Without a pause at the top point, slowly lower the dumbbells down. At the lowest point, achieve stretching the pectoral muscles.

It is important:

As in the case of the bench press, the effectiveness of the exercise depends on the weight of the projectile. But working with heavy dumbbells is inconvenient and traumatic. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the special technique: sitting on the edge of the bench, take dumbbells and put them in an upright position on the hips closer to your knees. And only then tip over on your back, thus helping your knees to “throw” the dumbbells in the starting position.

The hands during the exercise are located as well as when pressing the barbell.


Dumbbell bench press on an incline bench. In this case, the angle of inclination depends on the distribution of the load. At a higher angle, the displacement occurs towards the upper pectoral and deltoid muscles.
Press lying on an inclined bench head down. This option allows you to shift the emphasis of the load on the bottom of the chest.
Working muscles when pressing dumbbells lying

chest muscles
deltoid muscles
Alternative exercises

Bench press
Push-ups on the bars