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The development of calf muscles requires probably the greatest patience and effort from anyone engaged in the gym. The main exercises for pumping calves are considered to be all kinds of lifting on toes. The most effective of these is considered the option of standing rises, since in this case not only calf, but also soleus muscles are loaded, the development of which will allow you to achieve a significant increase in calf volume and give them a distinctly convex shape.

In addition, well-developed calf muscles are a great bonus in almost any sport, whether it is jogging or gymnastics. Bending of the ankle joint occurs constantly and in any sport: every time you take a step, you tear the heel off the ground, which means that your calf muscles are working.

Technique of lifting socks on standing

1. Stand in a simulator for lifting socks on the block, putting heels out, and substitute shoulders under the stops, upholstered in soft material. Socks set at a distance of 15-20 cm parallel to each other. Now fully straighten the legs and body, lifting the weight from the support.

2. Bending your knees slightly, go down as smoothly as possible. At the lowest point, take a deep breath, and holding your breath, rise on your toes as high as possible.

3. At the top of the movement, pause and tighten your calf muscles. After a pause on the exhale, gently lower yourself down.

It is important:

Raise and lower the weight only with the force of your feet.

During the exercise, do not straighten the knees completely, and also tighten the abdominal muscles, hips and lower back to avoid unpleasant injury and increase the load on the calves.

At the lowest point, you can pause if you want to further stretch the muscles of the calf and Achilles tendon. On the contrary, for maximum load, without a pause at the lowest point, immediately start moving upwards.

Rise as high as possible, thereby more muscle fibers will be included in the work.
At the lowest point never spring, it is fraught with injury to the Achilles tendon.

If, over time, the effect of the exercise will be less and less noticeable, then try performing the exercise experimenting with the setting of the feet, which will allow the calf muscles to work out from different angles.


Rises on socks standing on one leg. In this embodiment, you load only one calf. This exercise will be useful in case of lag in the development of one calf from another.
Working muscles when standing up

calf muscles
soleus muscle