The bench press on an inclined bench, like the classic bench press, will load your chest perfectly, not forgetting about triceps and deltas. Its great advantage is the fact that cheating is almost impossible in the tilting press, the one that very often occurs when you press the bench on a horizontal bench.
It is almost impossible to beat the barbell from the chest on an inclined bench: firstly, it is inconvenient, and secondly, if you still get this technique, the barbell will not go up, but forward. With a lot of weight, it is very dangerous, but you will feel it in the work with the small and no longer want to repeat it. The bridge, another favorite technique on the horizontal bench, is also difficult to do because of the inconvenience of implementation and the lack of “help” in weight lifting. So it turns out that the bench press on the inclined bench is technically performed much cleaner, and therefore more correct.
Of course, the tilt angle of the bench at 30 degrees affects the load distribution. In the bench press on the inclined bench, the muscles of the upper chest work more. By the way, this is important to take into account for those who have a genetically chest under the action of a horizontal bench press or push-ups on the bars take on a teardrop shape with a clear disproportion in favor of the bottom: the chest looks saggy. Regular bench press on an inclined bench will save you from this ugly imbalance.
Technique performing bench press on an inclined bench.
Proper exercise technique:
1. Lie on an incline bench. Put your feet on the floor or on a special stand. They are your fulcrum throughout the entire exercise. Take the bar to the grip a little wider than when pressing on the horizontal bench.
2. With a partner, remove the bar from the racks to the level of the outstretched arms. At the top, take a short pause to feel the weight. And taking a breath, controlling the movement, lower the neck on the chest.
3. Touching the chest, make a small pause, but do not relax the muscles of the whole body, and squeeze the barbell up. After passing the dead center, exhale. Pulling the bar completely pause and proceed to the next repetition.
What you should know:
The width of the grip is largely determined by the length of the arms.
Do not tear your back from the bench and do not try to bend the lower back, it is fraught with injury.
The point of contact of the body with a barbell is higher than with the bench press on a horizontal bench, but it is also traumatic to lower onto the clavicles. The right place is somewhere in the middle and is determined empirically: at the lower point of movement, when the bar touches the chest, the forearms should be perpendicular to the floor.
In this exercise, the role of the partner is especially great. He has to take some of the weight on himself: help lift and then return the barbell back to the racks.
Working muscles when pressing on an inclined bench
chest muscles
deltoid muscles
Alternative exercises
Dumbbell bench press on an incline bench