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About the benefits of swimming
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The thrust to the abdomen on the block is rightly considered to be a basic exercise for the back, because in the process of doing it, a large muscle mass is received, including almost all the major muscles of the middle and upper back, the back bunch of deltoids, biceps and even the chest.

In the world of bodybuilding, this exercise is considered one of the best for drawing and thickening the muscles of the middle of the back, giving it a convex chiselled shape.

Do the belly traction on the block in the same workout as the deadlift, and your back will very soon acquire a powerful corset of muscles.

Technique perform traction on the block

Proper exercise technique:

1. Sit on the stand facing the bottom unit. Rest your legs slightly bent in a special platform. Grasp your hands on a special neck or two separate handles on one ring, so that your palms are looking at each other. After that, take a vertical position and slightly arch the waist. Hands at this moment straight and hold the load. This is the starting position.

2. After sighing, hold your breath and begin to gently pull the grips or fingerboard toward your stomach. Elbows move along the body, parallel to each other and as far as possible behind the back. Try to work your back muscles and do not move the body back. When the elbows are at the level of the back, move your shoulders back, this will help to pull the elbows behind your back and minimize the broadest.

3. At the extreme point of the movement, pause, exhale and, without moving the body, gradually return to the starting position. After a minimum pause, you can perform the following repetition.

It is important:

Deviations of the body during the exercise are fraught with injury to the lower back.

It is important to firmly fix the legs at the knees and the position of the feet, so that during the exercise you remain in a stable position.

Do not spread your elbows to the sides, this shifts the stress of the load and, consequently, reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. Try to get your elbows as far as possible behind your back – this allows you to contract muscles more strongly.

In this exercise, the back works, the role of the biceps – help and stabilization.

Do not pull the load biceps effort! Their role here is only stabilization of the elbow joint.


When performing a straight bar (grip on top), you increase the load on the muscles of the middle and upper back (middle of the trapezium, rhomboid muscles, top of the latissimus and posterior deltus bundle).
With a straight neck with D-shaped handles at the ends In this embodiment, you exclude from the work the back bunch of deltas and accentuate the load on the back muscles.
Working muscles when the stomach to the block

the broadest muscles
trapezius muscles
upper back muscles (rhomboid and large round)
back of the deltoid muscles
Alternative exercises

The same muscle mass, with some minor differences, is also very well affected:

Thrust rod in the slope
Thrust t-rod