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Bench press above head or chest press is an excellent exercise to increase the volume and strength of the shoulders; it develops the anterior and middle bundles of deltoid muscles, involves in the process the upper chest, triceps and rotator muscles of the shoulder.

The bench press can be performed in two variations: sitting or standing. When lifting is performed while standing in a weight restraint, muscles of almost the entire body are involved. But doing it while sitting, and leaning on the back of the bench, you take the load off the waist, which will allow you to more precisely influence the muscles of the upper half of the body. In addition, this option is definitely safer.

Technique performing bench press sitting

Proper exercise technique:

1. Place the bench close to the bar posts, so that it is convenient for you to remove the bar from there, and did not stick your elbows on the bars during the exercise. The neck should be at the level of the chest. Set the back of the bench at an angle of 75-80 degrees. Sit on the bench, grasp the bar with a grip a little wider than the shoulders and remove it from the stops, placing it on the upper part of the chest. Press your back to the back firmly, straighten your shoulders, tighten your lumbar muscles and your abs. Head looks straight. This is the starting position.

2. Inhale, hold your breath and gently squeeze the barbell up until the arms are fully extended.

3. At the top point, exhale and gently lower the bar along the same path to its original position.

4. Perform the intended number of repetitions.

It is important:

Do not tear the lower back from the back, and do not relax the muscles of the back and abdominals, as this removes some of the load from the deltas and may even lead to injury. Important and hold your breath during the press: it increases intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure, which facilitates the fixation of the spine.

Do not overload the bar, as this could lead to injury. In addition, you will severely limit the amplitude of the movement, which will not allow you to lift your shoulders as much as possible upwards, which means that the muscles will not “work out”. And the result will be appropriate.

Movement of the bar should be smooth and without sharp jerks or throwing down, it is fraught with spinal injuries.

Squeeze the barbell to the full extension of the arms, so you will achieve maximum muscle contraction.


Bench press standing or “army bench press.” In this embodiment, the back muscles and even legs work more. Therefore, people with problems in the lower back, this option should be avoided.

Working muscles when pressing barbell over head

deltoid muscles (especially the anterior bundle, smaller than the middle, minimally – the back)
top of pectoral muscles
Alternative exercises

Dumbbell bench press
Press arnold
Press the head