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The abdominal muscles are involved in virtually any movement, since they perform flexing of the spine and are responsible for keeping it in a stable position. Therefore, it is fair to say that a strong press is a necessity, not a luxury.

Performing twisting, you kill two birds with one stone at a time: first, you get beautiful embossed dice press, which at all times were among the attributes of male beauty, and secondly, strong abdominal muscles will protect your lower back from injuries, as well as stabilize while doing other exercises or when playing sports.

Twisting technique

Twisting, at first glance, is technically extremely simple exercise, but, unfortunately, this is not true, moreover, the situation is aggravated by the fact that usually most athletes pump the press purely mechanically. The result of such exercises is correctly satisfactory, which is not surprising, because instead of the abdominal muscles, the main load falls on the lower back and flexors of the hip joint. Not to mention the trauma of such execution, which is why it is so important to master the correct technique for doing the exercise.

Technique of the exercise:

1. Lie on the bench to perform twisting, bend your knees at a right angle, and put your legs on the stand and secure the feet with a roller. In the case of an ordinary bench, lie down on the floor, bend your knees at a right angle and place your shins on the bench. Place your hands on your chest or shoulders. Eyes looking at the ceiling. This is the starting position.

2. Inhale and, holding your breath, tighten the abdominal muscles and gently tear off the shoulders from the bench, making a “twisting” movement.

3. At the top point, press the pause even more, pause, and then exhale and also slowly lower the upper back onto the bench until the head and shoulder blades touch the floor.

4. In the initial position, pause and relax the abdominal muscles a bit before performing the next repetition.

It is important:

The main mistake when doing twists is that they are trying to tear the back from the bench as much as possible and at the same time as close to the body as possible to the knees. In this version, the load is shifted from the press to the lower back, which in the long term will lead to its injury. The correct option would be to maximize the “roll” of the body as a rug, so when raising your shoulders, be sure to round your back, and do not tear the lower half of the spine from the bench at all. Twisting the body, do not bend the neck!

The movement should be smooth, it will increase the load on the press and will avoid lumbar injury.

A mistake will be to keep your hands behind your head, as in this case you can injure your neck. And if you do an exercise with a burden, then it will be better to keep it on your chest. Also do not turn the shoulders during twisting, it increases the pressure on the intervertebral discs.

Do not exhale during lifting, thereby reducing the amplitude of movement and relaxing the lower back, which can lead to injury.


Twisting on the floor
Twisting in roman chair
Twisting on a bench tilted down
Twisting on the top block
Reverse twists
Oblique twisting
Working muscles when twisting

rectus abdominis