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And most importantly, push-ups from the floor – the champion in unpretentiousness among strength exercises, there is enough of a yard for two meters to fully perform and achieve results.

Benefits of exercise

Push-ups from the floor are often called the “bench press opposite.” This is an excellent physical exercise that develops the front deltoid muscles, triceps, and pectoral muscles, that is, in fact, the same muscles as during the bench press. Push-ups are a great way to maintain your form or replace your workout with “iron”, when for some reason you can’t go to the gym.

And this is what American sports physiologist and US bodybuilding champion amateur Bob Lefawi says about push-ups: “Push-ups have a huge metabolic effect! They act like squats on the whole body! ”

Performance technique

In push-ups, the correct technique is the key to the effectiveness of the exercise.

The back should not bend downwards, and the buttocks do not stick up. When viewed from the side – the body occupies a straight position. Head looks to the floor. Starting position on straightened arms. Then, bending the arms in the elbows, lower the body down. The bottom of the movement is touching the floor with the chest, or even the tip of the nose. Breath: inhale on the downward movement, and exhale when the body rises up.

We will separately discuss the position of the hands and the whole body:

From the position of the hands depends on the distribution of weight and load. In the standard position, arms are placed at shoulder width, while the load is distributed evenly. If you put your hands wider than your shoulders, then the load on the deltoid muscles and the outer part of the pectoral muscle will increase. In the case of reducing the distance between the hands, the emphasis of the load is shifted towards the triceps and the inner part of the pectoral muscle.

With a change in body position, the load distribution also changes. The first option: when the legs are above the head. In this case, you load the upper chest and deltoid muscles. The second option: when the head is above the legs. The load is shifted to the lower part of the pectoral muscles.

Push up options

In addition to the above variations of push-ups, there are a large number of other ways. Here are some basic examples:

Push ups with knees. To reduce the load. A good option for women and children, as well as after injuries and illnesses, when the load is minimal.

Push ups on fists. Allows you to remove the load from the wrist and at the same time to harden the skin and strengthen the knuckles, which is important, for example, in karate.

Pushups from the wall. Light version of push ups. Moreover, changing the goal tilt, you can increase or decrease the load. Suitable for beginners, women and children

Pushups on one arm. Difficult way. The load can be varied by setting the legs: the farther apart, the easier the implementation.

Push ups with jump and clap. Difficult option. When moving up, in the “jump” to tear your hands off the floor, ideally with a pop. Develops “explosive” muscle strength.

Pushups with weighting. With properly selected weighting, you can achieve the effect of an exercise similar to the bench press.

Working muscles when pushups from the floor

The following muscle groups receive the greatest load:

chest muscles
deltoid muscles
Also work the muscles of the back, abdominals and even the legs.