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Despite its popularity in gyms, lifting biceps does not apply to basic bodybuilding exercises. Why? Quite simply, this exercise lures a limited array of muscles into the work, and therefore it doesn’t have much benefit from it in terms of gaining mass and strength of the whole body. Lifting the barbell gives a good load only on the biceps, as well as the muscles of the inner surface of the forearms.

Moreover, you will never be able to pump your big biceps if you do not perform basic exercises, and limit yourself to just lifting the barbell. Does this mean their inefficiency? Not! You should know that any auxiliary exercise, as its name implies, is a good “help”. Therefore, if you want to pump up really big biceps, then perform basic exercises and thereby increase the total mass and strength of the whole body. A large and strong body almost always means big and strong arms.

But do not forget about lifts for biceps. Thanks to their regular implementation, your biceps will never be among the lagging muscles, the appearance of which is inevitable when working only “with the base”, which means that at some point you will definitely become your pride.

Technique of lifting barbell for biceps

Despite the popularity of lifting biceps, rarely when you see the correct technique for performing this exercise. But in addition to low efficiency, it can lead to injury. Therefore, it is time to learn the correct technique for doing the exercise.

1. Legs set shoulder width apart. Grasp the neck of the bar with a wide grip (wider than shoulders) below. Do not tilt the body, bend your legs a little at the knees, this will remove some of the load from the waist. Keep your elbows pressed against your body and hold them in this position during the entire exercise. At the initial moment the neck of the rod is on your hips.

2. Begin slowly bending your elbows. Raise the barbell until the bar is under the chin. After that, just as slowly lower the bar to its original position.

It is important:

Remember the main thing: liftings for biceps is not a jerk, and not a throw of the barbell, but controlled bending of the arm at the elbow.

You should be comfortable when you hold the neck. If there is a certain discomfort – change the width of the grip.

Keep a stable body. Do not help him tilt the barbell with tilts, you thereby relieve part of the load on the biceps and at the same time load the lower back.

Do not lift or move your elbows forward. Also fix the position of the wrists, do not bend them in motion.

If you can not do everything as it is written – then the load is great, so reduce the weight of the bar.


Climb on the Scott bench. This option allows you to fix the position of the hands and eliminates the help of the body.
Working muscles when lifting a barbell for biceps

The following muscle groups receive the greatest load:

brachioradialis muscles