One of the tendencies in power sports is one trend: they often may not pay…

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The main difference from the classic deadlift is that in the deadlift in the style…

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Swimming is the perfect workout.
It does not give dangerous static loads and very carefully applies to the joints. It…


Press narrow grip is considered the most effective exercise for the development of the upper…

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Benefit The deadlift is a complex, multi-articular exercise, in which more muscles take part than…


appears during


One of the favorite exercises of Arnold Schwarzenegger, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, fraught with great potential. Many bodybuilders are not casual attributed pull-ups to basic exercises. The value of the pull-ups is that they, like the basic exercises, use simultaneously many muscle groups, perfectly working through the middle and upper back.

But all that is needed for pull-ups is the usual horizontal bar or crossbar, which is not only in any gym, but also on the street in courtyards and athletic fields. Continue reading


Rule one: you must be a model of bodybuilding devotion.

In order to squeeze the result to the maximum at the end of each cycle, you must be 200% devoted to your favorite work – bodybuilding. Any outside interests will only bother you. The most difficult thing here is to find a reasonable balance between fanaticism and the interests of loved ones. After all, training is your own business. Your hobby should not “seize the age” of your neighbors.

Rule two: you need to work out in trainings as it should. Continue reading

About the benefits of swimming

Swimming is not only a pleasant pastime, but also an excellent physical activity on almost all muscles of the body. The benefits of swimming are obvious. This is a complex aerobic exercise in which the muscles of the upper and lower body work. Therefore, depending on the combination of technology, speed and frequency of training, swimming can help both with weight loss, and with strengthening muscles and general body health.

Thanks to the buoyancy, water protects the joints well. Therefore, swimming in the pool is one of the few exercises that is useful and safe for the elderly and pregnant women. Continue reading